That's Cool - by Heat

Friday, October 21, 2016

2. Lose it: Skinny pants

I'm gonna be completely honest with ya, Blogger. I have changed literally NOTHING in my attempts to lose weight. I think I lost one pound in the last five weeks. I ate McDonald's twice, yes, TWICE, yesterday. I have been thinking about making mac and cheese for like three days straight (the Outback kind with Velveeta) and I've had chips with my yogurt for breakfast twice...yes, twice ;)
But... My boss walked in wearing bright pink pants with flowers (even though that's clearly a spring outfit and we're in the middle of October, but that's none of my business) the other day, and these blue and white striped pants yesterday. I have blue pants with floral print and white pants with blue pin stripes and I MISS THEM! I also have brown houndstooth pants. They're so cute! And I haven't worn them in over THREE FREAKIN YEARS. Do you know why? Butter and cheese is why. Just kidding. I am not taking control of my life, that is the actual reason. I let life happen to me and blame my circumstances for not doing better. Well, ya know what? I WANT TO WEAR THOSE FREAKING PANTS AGAIN!!! I want to absolutely love what I see in the mirror and in pictures. I want to not hide in the back when someone wants a group picture. I want to wear a white t-shirt and jeans and not worry about the muffin.
I've gotta do something. I should probably use my gym membership. Afterall, I am paying like $30 a month for that crap and I haven't used it yet on account of laziness and being scared of seeing someone I know there that will be like, oh last time I saw you was 40 lbs ago!
This is no more. I'm taking control...after my unhealthy weekend with Crystal.


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